Saturday, August 15, 2015

Run Teach... Coach... Sleep?

This summer has gone by in a whirlwind... Between volleyball open gym workouts, TRYOUTS and cuts (yesterday... one-on-one cut conferences are not a thing to boost your day), setting up my classroom, getting lessons in order, trying to figure out my new school and remembering names of new coworkers, going to conferences, AND kicking off this Team BeachBody coach experience... I don't know where all of the time has gone.

Teachers start back on Monday and the kids come back a week later. Year 6 is already under way and in full swing.

I'm signed on as volunteer coach for the girls' volleyball team, probably primarily helping out with Junior Varsity. We had a number of girls come to tryouts and had to make cuts (as mentioned above), but we ended with 13 girls on Varsity and a possible 11 on JV. I'm excited to start coaching again because when I had to give it up to start grad school two years ago, I was missing the coaching/team bonding aspect of my career. I absolutely love to coach and to have a team of girls that I am responsible for, playing the sport that I love!

On that note, I have also decided to start coaching for Team BeachBody. My coworker and friend, Morgan Heymann, started her journey a few months ago and looks fantastic. She held a Shake and Share party last night at her place where she gave me the lowdown on how to coach, a bunch of us did one of the 30 min workouts from the 21 Day Fix, and she shared some recipes from Fixate. So needless to say, I'm hooked.

When other parties (Mary Kay, Pampered Chef) tried to get me to join on as a member of their team, I wasn't really invested. Yes, I can do my make up, but I can't do other people's. Yeah sure, I'll cook for myself, but my time and expertise in the kitchen is limited. But working out? Eating healthy? I can do that. I can also help other people do that. I'm doing it already! Working with my trainer twice a week since April has already seen vast improvements in my body structure and my strength. I was never able to do a push up... A MODIFIED "GIRL" PUSH UP even... but now I can do the modified ones, bench or bar pushups, AND (drumroll please....) a *few* REAL ones. WHAT? My high school volleyball coach would be amazed. I'm actually thinking about sending her a video of myself doing real pushups and tag it as "Knew It Would Happen Eventually." Where has this upper arm strength been my whole life?

But back to the Team BeachBody note. I am excited to start and to get other people to join me on my team. I want to inspire people to be healthy because we only live one life. And yes, you could make the argument that ONE LIFE?! LET'S EAT EVERYTHING WE WANT TO AND DO WHATEVER! Yeah, you could look at life like that. But that life is eventually going to limit you in what you can do.  If you're constantly eating unhealthily, your bodily functions are going to prohibit you from exploring the world when you're retired or cut your life short. That's not a way to go. It's more than just going on a 21 Day Fix. It's a lifestyle change. The 21 days is just the start. And I'm excited to get this under way!

More info to come and I guess I should think of a cool team name? Yeah, I'll work on that.