Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sleeping In Is Overrated

...at least I try to tell myself that.

Why is it that I go to sleep at a late, late hour and wake up at an early, early hour? I know this blog is called "Run. Teach. Sleep." but at this point we can totally nix the whole "sleeping" part.

Here I am, up at 4:30 a.m. Although the time on this blog is going to read a little bit later, I'm sure you can take my word for it. There's no sense in bragging about being up at 4:30 in the morning.

Yet, even though I'm up so early - I have no immediate desire to get up out of bed. It was hard enough to go down and turn my Keurig on, but when I'm up, I'm up for good. And not only am I up so early on a weekday, I'm up early on a Tuesday.

For my audience that doesn't know the significance of this: Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days of sitting in traffic for an hour, post up in the lecture hall for 4 hours, try to stay awake through class for 2 hours and 15 minutes, and then drive back home (sans traffic, thank goodness).

And why does my psycho-pants self get there so early, you ask? I have this innate fear of being late and this intense anxiety of sitting in traffic. If I left any later, I would sit in traffic for over an hour. If I left after the traffic, I would more than likely be late. So my happy remedy for this dilemma is to leave extraordinarily and ridiculously early, do work that I would just be doing at home anyway, and leave it at that.

So I guess today's early wake up call is going to mean an extra cup of coffee down the road at some point this evening. Which goes against doctor's wishes in my last post. Whoops.

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